Why do embarassing things happen to good people?

Today I got a phone call from Katy, my sister, and she was telling me about something really embarrassing that happened to her. “This kind of stuff usually happens only to you, not to ME!” she laughed. I chuckled for a second then realized that what she said was true. Why do embarrassing things always seem to happen to me?
Case in point: Today I was wasting time at work and noticed my Friend “Penelope” has changed her tagline in her gmail account to read “Oops…” Being the culturally relative person that I am, I quickly typed the following:

Penelope“: How did you know??
me: welll….. I have my ways
my spies are following you
Penelope“: Lol. At least it’s something to laugh about.
me: Yes.
Penelope“: “Fredrick” needs to shut up, though.
me: OK OK, I was just pretending, what are you talking about????
Penelope“: What?!
me: I was responding to your new tagline “oops…” The Britney Spears song, OOps I did it again…
Sent at 10:03 AM on Tuesday
me: come on!!!! out with it!!!
Penelope“: I just got rear ended.
me: OH NO!
how long ago?
Penelope“: Just now. We’re waiting on the cop
me: Oh geez. How ironic that I texted you that just now. You must really have thought I had spies.
Penelope“: Yeah
I gotta go
me: bye then, good luck!

  • David and Katy

    Classic Heidi, that’s all I can say…I’m telling you, you need to start writing memoirs of your life! :)