
Screen Shot 2013-06-06 at 9.02.20 AM

    I've been hearing about it for months, but today I finally saw Bear in a Facebook Ad for a pre-school he used to go to. The ERC was both a great place for Bear to grow and be challenged as well as grief counselors for me as I worked through life's surprising curve ball. I was honored to let them use a photo. :) … [Read more...]

Do You Have A Date For Prom Yet?


The title of this post was a text I recently sent to one of my friends who is a senior in college and to remind you that I am neither in high school or college anymore so this on every account was a strange text to send. In the last post I wrote I shared that I would be writing about another event that we recently attended... Well... Here it is. I am going to tell you a story about the best … [Read more...]

No-Bake Pumpkin Spice Cookies {Gluten-Free Option}


Pumpkin is in the air! Pumpkin Cookies, specifically, today! Now that Bear almost back to normal from his surgery last week, I've finally been able to breathe out fully for the first time in months it seems. I can always tell when I'm happier, I start to make things I really don't need to be eating...  I justify it, however, by telling myself how very healthy these treats are... I'll just … [Read more...]



I have talked a lot about percentages on my blog. Most of them were from Bear's lower growth chart and then from Bug's much higher ones. Bug's was pretty funny, actually, his ginormous head was statistically over 50% bigger than his body, HAH! Other not-so-funny statistics are my recent obnoxious 5% weight gain... but that really isn't the point in this particular post... I am feeling worn thin … [Read more...]