A Fine Dime: A Sunday Baby Shower (re-purposing that summery dress!)


If I did A Fine Dime post on what I'm wearing today you would be disappointed. VERY. I worked out this morning so yoga pants and a hoodie are all I'll venture  into. There are days like this and besides... if I looked nice every time someone saw me the bar would be WAAAY high and I can't have that now! So, today I'm talking about re-purposing that fun summery dress that you LOVE but feel like … [Read more...]

DIY “Green” Christmas Tags

I wrote this last year for a design blog and decided to re-post it for everyone one who is wrapping up Christmas gifts this week! This is a fun way to recycle all the crumpled bunches of tissue you saved to reuse then never did or the pieces of wrapping paper that were aren't needed. It's also fun to personalize little things on Christmas gifts and make them unique to go with your … [Read more...]