Floating, Soaring, Flying

So much of my life lately is in the unspoken. It's about being in the moment; aware, present and observing. Clearly though, with two young boys this isn't an ever present reality, it's more about seeing and relishing life around me instead of thinking of the next thing to do. Today I sat on the ground watching my boys and it was suddenly beautiful. I wanted to try to share the feeling of … [Read more...]

The Monster is actually a Mouse

Bear was chasing Bug around the large, white room, yelling at him "MINE! MINE! MINE!" to give him a slinky. Bug, however, is quicker than Bear, and darted behind a few occupied chairs peering around a shoulder at his brother. They weaved in and out of chairs, tripping over feet and file folders. "Beeee aaaaaar," I am using my sing-song voice, hoping he can't hear the edge of nervous stress. … [Read more...]

A Win. and I’ll take it!


Do you ever have an accidental win as a parent? My example comes after a long, hard day- after about 15 other hard ones preceding. So- basically this month has sucked BUT that is NOT what this post is about. :) Today I got a win. Even if it was accidental. We have been going non-stop today. It's been hot and for some reason my all-natural deodorant has NOT been working lately and I felt … [Read more...]

It’s the kind of day that…


-you keep banging your elbows, hips and elbows on any available sharp edge. -you are glad you cooked a lot yesterday because if you have to turn on the stove you may loose your mind and set fire to your house. -you made coffee but it tasted horrible so the sluggish, comatose brain of someone with 3 hours of sleep persists although you actually got 9 for once. -you realize now, after 30 … [Read more...]