Twirling in Tube Socks


I can't dance. This is no surprise to anyone who knows me and my sister (who jumped in the air and her husband got this amazing picture)  is probably somewhere chuckling. Either I've really never been smooth on the dance floor (or anywhere else for that matter)  or the constant harassment of much more coordinated friends crushed my confidence in any ability I may have had. I tend to think that … [Read more...]

salsa & margs

Dinner tonight- salsa & margaritas- usually out for a girl's night on Thursday's, was made at home and ate with Ben and the boys to save money. :) See- even broke I have a sense of humor. (the humor being the smiley face...) It's been a week now. Last week has sucked not been the best one. It's been like a weird, pseudo vacation or long weekend. I keep expecting Ben to leave and go to … [Read more...]

Earning Bread

Lately I've wanted to post on a new DIY or craft-esque idea- but honestly I've not had the time or the energy to do anything. I think my ability to receive inspiration and have excitement has a lot to do with how things are going on in my life and lately everything has been different and a little difficult. Different isn't always bad- but usually when it's different things like hobbies take a … [Read more...]

the roaring lion

It lies in the shadows and  bides its  time until, out of no where it  pounces and sinks it's teeth into my neck. I feel the wind rushing out of my lungs and my knees buckle. I crumple to the ground but I can't cry.  My heart is pounding out of my chest and my mouth is dry. Things change. People move on-  baby is born, a grandparent dies and children go away to college, suddenly cast as  … [Read more...]