Exercise Losses & Wins (Vlog & Blog Post)

  TODAY: Well, yesterday I weighed myself for the first time in awhile and I was at a new low- in a GOOD WAY. A number I hadn't seen since the first few months of pregnancy was there on the scale and I realized that I was ONE STEP CLOSER to getting to my pre-(FIRST CHILD) pregnancy weight! I guess the nice thing about gaining a lot of weight during both of your pregnancies is that the … [Read more...]

The Sixth Week Hump (couch to 5K)


It's like Wednesday... only in Couch to 5K terms. So many people I know have started the couch to 5k with great intentions then got caught at either week 5 or 6. Like me. The flu kicked my face in  last weekend and I laid on my back, frustrated over the fact that I was missing my work out and thus all of my forward momentum. Because that is how it is- if you stop working out it's like the wind … [Read more...]

My C25K Adventures


I decided to start to write more about my Couch to 5K training... simply to encourage (amuse?) you! OK, aaand also for the accountability that comes with talking about it. Because, you know,  thousands, hundreds, dozens 5 of you who read this blog may ask me how my training is going and I don't want to have to say, "ahhhhhhhh" and have to come up with a great excuse. This is part of my New Year, … [Read more...]