Chocolate Chip Energy Bites! {Healthy no bake recipe}


Living in Colorado has really opened my eyes to new things. One thing in particular is delicious healthy food. Healthy food is a default decision for most people here. When I arrived at a Grill Out Party last week I find that there's a choice of regular, chicken, turkey and veggie hot dogs or  black bean burgers or you even have a choice of a plate of grilled veggies! Sides included … [Read more...]

Fuel for the Body & Car (Red Strike & Murphy USA)


Every morning is a battle for me. This isn't some new development, I'm just not a morning person. Laying in bed until noon would be grand, but that's just not how our society works. For years I've drank Dr. Pepper or coffee in the mornings, trying to get myself going. Since having kids it's been even more difficult. Not only do I have to get *myself* up and ready, but now I have to get two others … [Read more...]