Sweet Friends

MJ and Rhonda at camper arrival.  They just love being together and MJ always looks to find Rhonda to be next to her.

The camp season has started back up and though my roll is very different in the summer the love of the camp experience is still the same. I am always changed by the things that happen here and always touched no matter how many times I have seen the same weeks, same campers, and everything camp. Today I want to share a sweet story of two precious friends that love each other so much and yet … [Read more...]

Brain power… where oh where have you gone?


My last post was all about my return from lingering in the dark ages for a few weeks with out any internet access and the great return I would have in my writing journey following the grand internet restoration.  Well... that return has proven it's self to be an epic fail. I have been racking my brain for weeks about things to write and the truth is that I just have nothing... I mean nothing. … [Read more...]

The World Wide Web Is So Amazing!!!


The title of this post seems like it should be something that I would be proclaiming in the early to mid 90's but here I am in 2012 saying hello to the internet and maybe appreciating this renewed introduction more than ever. I have mentioned before how I live in the country and how it sometimes feels that we are living in Africa in comparison to the rest of the world, well the past … [Read more...]

Wordless Wednesday- Family Bonds

Team prayer time together at the end of the week

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