Summit Medical Update

I guess I should follow up everything that happened with Summit recently with an update on him. I have got several e-mails, thanks for caring! Dr. Jackson e-mailed me the other day and told me that there was no need for the further tests the nurse said he may want to run which is a HUGE relief. So his heart is fine… onto eye surgery! If life could only be that simple for once! :)

Because of his diagnosis, (the hole between the aorta and pulmunary arteries) the anesthesiologist won’t do the surgery on him until a pediatric cardiologist give us the OK. I didn’t know such a type doctor existed! That Doctor is in Little Rock. That Doctor has a long waiting list. Good news: That Doctor comes up here sometimes so there is a chance I won’t have to drive to LR Childrens! (I feel like Lloyd Christmas saying “so you’re saying there’s a chance!”) Also, I think I mentioned it already, but we’re also on the waiting list to see a Genetics Specialist to find out what is wrong with Summit. (that is a loaded sentence I won’t get into now.) He is located in LR and I don’t think I’m getting out of a drive to go see him. I’m more stressed about that appointment than I realize right now, but there is nothing to do about it so I’ll deal with that later.

and Summit has bacteria conjunctivitis right now- pink eye. I’m almost 100% sure he got it at the occupational therapist. Is it just me or are my eyes really itchy today?????

  • David & Katy

    I’m sorry Summie’s eyes are gooey, poor baby doesn’t get any break! Hopefully you don’t catch anything. BTW I love talking to you at work, we should make it a nightly occurance, 6:00 M-T…makes the time go by quicker :) Praise the Lord no more tests on the bear. Those pictures made me sad for him! Love you guys

  • David & Katy

    I want more videos! well, maybe after Summie gets over pink eye :(