stressed out updates

Well, tomorrow is the “big day” as far as seeing the pediatric gastroentologist down in LR. I’m actually excited about this, it’ll be so nice to get some answers, or at least get some direction as to where we are headed. Since taking him off gluten products (for the most part) I feel that he’s been doing better. We still haven’t got back the results of the blood work so I’m expecting that any time.


Do you ever hit that point where you think, “I’m at my whit’s end” or some such hyperbole that you honesty have no idea what it means, then you are distracted thinking, “what exactly does that mean? What is the root? I need to Wikipedia it…” so you forget what you are actually so upset about? I do this all the time. Sometimes I think I should write down what I’m stressed out about exactly so I don’t stress out trying to remember what it was that stressed me out in the beginning… just saying. It also helps when I’m specifically praying and trying to trust in God if I can just tell him everything and get it out of my system! :)


To jump off the previous bit- looking at houses is stressing me out too. There are so many- some good deals and some bad. Where we are living wasn’t hit as hard as other places were so the house prices are low, but anywhere out of the city you can get a BUNCH more house for the money. If you are just tuning in, I’m pregnant so inevitably this family is expanding and the question is: With interest rates so low and us getting approved for a fixed one for 30 years, with this housing market being as low as it is, optimistically speaking the prices should go up soon, as should the interest rates… SHOULD we a.) get a house that will fit us now, is more comfortable in our budget that we will probably outgrow in another year or two OR 2.) get a house that is a little less comfortable financially (but doable- not outrageous) in the budget with an extra bedroom and space, but we will not move from for a long time that is secured at a very low interest rate????? And since Summit needs to be close to his therapy center- I’m not superwoman, I’m not driving 20 mintues every day with a newborn just for a larger house- the house prices are going to be more. UGH.


and no kidding- I just got off the phone while typing this and it was the clinic confirming that he has celiac’s disease. I can’t stop crying.

  • Megan

    We seriously need to hang out. I read your updates and I think, “I’ve felt the same way.”

    I’m so sorry about the celiac diagnosis. I wish I could give you a big hug right now.

    We are currently awaiting further testing on Ellie regarding some abnormal labs that may indicate she has a rather yucky metabolic disorder (which would require a specialized diet and lifelong monitoring of heart and liver function along with an inability to exercise vigorously among other things). I have imagined what it would be like if the tests came back positive, so I have a hint of an idea of what you might be feeling right now (and I don’t say those words lightly).

  • Heidi

    Thanks so much for the comment! I hope the tests come back negative for you! It does get so old. I just want everything to be OK for a day, you know? We actually got some good news today at the GI specialist in LR, she disagrees with the lab up her diagnosing Sum with Celiac’s Disease, but she thinks he may have cystic fibrosis, so I don’t know what is better. We’ll get the results for THAT test tomorrow. I’m so sick of waiting and quoting Proverbs 3: 5 & , not that I’m sick of God- it’s just I’m going to him so much lately I’m exhausted with the emotional extremes that I feel in like 5 minutes! :) at least I can still laugh at myself, that is something, I guess. HOpe things work out well. and Yes, let’s hang out. go get some comfort food… 😉

  •;u=1706 Lessie Zawacki

    Nice blog, thank you! I really love it!