Me: Ok, it’s your turn to pray.
4 year old, whining: I don’t want toooooo
Me: Alright, can you tell me what you are thankful for today?
4 year old: mmmphhhhhhh….
Me: OH! How about the fact that you got a prize from the treasure box at school this week! That means you had self control all week, great job. Are you proud of yourself? God is proud of you too Sawyer. (trying to make it into a teaching moment), Can you feel that God is happy with you in here? (tapping on his heart)
Sawyer: NO. Jesus is NOT in my heart.
Me, slightly abashed: Oh really? Where is he?
Sawyer, staring off into imaginative space: Jesus is in Colorado. Visiting Aunt Katy and baby Julian.
Me, feeling better: Well, you know that he can live in your heart permanently? You simply pray, “Jesus, I can’t do it without you, please live in my heart, I need you to help me.
Sawyer obediently: DEAR JESUS, I CAN’T DO IT —
Me, interrupting: You don’t have to pray that prayer, I’m just telling you about it again so that if you ever are feeling alone or realize you need him in your life you know that he is there waiting on you.
Sawyer: to live in my heart? OHHH I HEAR HIM KNOCKING AT MY HEART DOOR!
Me, supportive and very confused: Ok, great. (hesitating) do you want to open the door?
Sawyer, confidently: NO. Not right now. But he is knocking! knock knock knock knock-
Me: Fair enough.