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It's been a rough couple of weeks. Professionally and personally. I needed an escape, to be able to breath again and I fled to Colorado with Ben (and no kids- THANK YOU FAMILY) to see my sister and feel something other than stress for a few days. We drove through the night and I felt exhilarated: exhausted, stinky, delirious and ... at home. To see the peaks again from a distance was heart … [Read more...]

Wordless Wednesday- with a few words

Wordless Wednesday

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Meet Sherry…


My name is Sherry, I am 29, single and I love so many things about life! love the outdoors, photography, being adventurous, reading by fire places, and great movies and I LOVE JESUS A LOT! let’s see… have I left anything out of the usual, who I am, that no matter what you do sounds like you are on a dating site (P.S. in the spirit of, Who am I moments, if anyone out there is a male … [Read more...]

shattered teacups & high hedges


My mom had an amazing collection of antique tea cups that belonged to my great grand-mother. They were beautiful, porcelain and delicate. Various shapes, sizes and colors; the kind of cups that Princesses drank tea out of. The handles were intricate, and each tea cup shone with rainbows and sunshine in my child's mind and my heart would beat in a quickened rhythm when my mother would let me … [Read more...]