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of Piña Coladas & Summer Reading {Give-Away!}

a delicious treat on a warm summer day....

UPDATE- The winner of the signed copy of Lela Davidson's book is... Terri Adamson!!! Woo-hoo! Send me your address to thebusynothings@gmail.com and I'll give your information to Lela Davidson to ship your book!  ********** It's been a hot summer. I remember optimistically chatting with a stranger in line somewhere (don't be surprised- I live in the south, we're friendly...) about how … [Read more...]

Life and then some

Running through the rain.

As I fought back a torrent of tears earlier I realized how little I really let myself feel these days. Sure, there's the anxiety attacks that creep up and then grab me from behind like a friend yelling, "guess who?" in a cheerily delightful voice, but I drown them out speaking truth. Some times take longer than others. I have a friend who is dying from anerexia and I haven't seen her in awhile. … [Read more...]

About Me: Katy

Katy enjoying the river walk at Estes Park

Hi my name is Katy and I have just recently moved to my dream city- Fort Collins, Colorado from Sarasota, Florida! Fort Collins has all my favorite things- the most restaurants per capita, the brewery capital of the US ( I heard it described as the "Napa Valley of beer") along with majestic Rocky mountains and rivers! It has been quite a transition from Florida, a place that will always have a … [Read more...]

Because this is Funny… {Vlog}

Bear's post-fire works interview. Bear, if you have been following, has a rare genetic disorder called William's Syndrome. Click on the tab if you want to read more. He is delightful and expressive, enjoy. :) … [Read more...]