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Summer Lovin… {Fashion}


Here are a few things that make my summer just a little bit brighter. 1. Yellow Nails! Make sure to update your nail polish to keep up with all the fun summer colors- torquoise, pink, and orange are great to spice it up! 2. Light summer scarves! My sister gave me this beautiful scarf and I wear it with everything. Even on a hot summer day it doesn't feel heavy. Look for the wider bands and … [Read more...]

Taco Fixin’s Dip {gluten-free}

Gluten Free Taco Fixin's Dip

I'm not going to lie- this dip is kind of the opposite of what I eat usually and tolerate in my house. In fact, I may loose some followers with this little secret... there is a little velveeta cheese in this. I know- collective gasp, judge a bit, and now move on because I'm here to tell you that this is delicious and a little processed, plastic cheese won't kill you. :) So, as usual, this … [Read more...]

old-fashioned conversation vs. culturally relevant jargon

I'll be the first to admit this- I can be a bit slooooooow. I was slow to get Facebook, Twitter and Blogging- and really, really slow to get a Mac. Don't misunderstand that for laziness, I really didn't see the need for any of that until I HAD it and then the lightbulb went off above my head, the "ahhhh, now I get it." moment.  I suppose I can take this as far as conversationally I'm a bit … [Read more...]

Wordless Wednesday- Inspiration Point

The plaques on the cross are to honor the memory and celebrate the life of campers who attended camp and have gone home to Jesus.

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