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perception & transparency


Later this week Bear has an appointment with a gastroenterologist (and yes, I spelled that right the first time!) at Children's Hospital. If you were about to click away to google what a "gastroenterologist" is, I'll just fill you in my layperson's terms: A stomach and intestines doctor who deals with all sorts of hard-to-diagnose issues. Which is what we have had for years with Bear, but it's … [Read more...]

Changing Lives One Drop At A Time- NWA Water: Walk


While I currently do not live in Northwest Arkansas I still love and, when I am able to do so,am involved in a several things within the community.  Northwest Arkansas has so many great things to offer for anyone from fun family events to very active organizations that are changing many things in the surrounding community and on an even greater scale, the world. One of the … [Read more...]

This week’s Top 5

working from home benefits! dual monitors!

My top 5 for this week: (in no particular order) 5. Getting to know and work with Christy this week for SavingAmericasMustangs! It's always great to "meet" someone from Twitter and Christy has been as amazing to work with as I thought she'd be. :) Check out her blog over at Insanity is NOT an option! She sparkles and twinkles. 4. Working from home this week was therapy. Silent house with no … [Read more...]

Wordless Wednesday- Laugh


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