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Chocolate Chip Energy Bites! {Healthy no bake recipe}


Living in Colorado has really opened my eyes to new things. One thing in particular is delicious healthy food. Healthy food is a default decision for most people here. When I arrived at a Grill Out Party last week I find that there's a choice of regular, chicken, turkey and veggie hot dogs or  black bean burgers or you even have a choice of a plate of grilled veggies! Sides included … [Read more...]

Exploring Bentonville Farmer’s Market- 5 Favorites of the Day!


As I say in every post, I'm BUSY.  I rarely take time to just sit, be IN a moment without thinking about my next step. Every day is busy with planned out events... or I'm sleeping. :) Today, however, I took the time to change it up. I was a little impractical and the result was beautiful.  Bug and I hopped in the car first thing this morning and drove 35 minutes to Bentonville, to the heart at … [Read more...]

A Pinterest Party With a Cause {Prizes}// ENDED

BADGE for Pinterest Party

Update! Sorry for the delay! My first winner did not respond so Congratulations to the Mimi Baker! Please email me at HeidiClark@collectivebias.com so we can send you your Grand Prize!   Pinterest. Just the word sends ripples of anticipation throughout my brain- images of rooms perfected by a unique craft or a table spread with the most delectable delicacies hand crafted by moi!  I … [Read more...]

Bear Medical Update

I wasn't going to post on this again actually, at least for a while but enough people have called and texted (Thank you!) to check in that I feel I should make more of an effort to keep people informed with something other than a Facebook update or Tweet. I think we shield ourselves in a protective covering when we share anything- for fear that others will see the ugly, raw sides of ourselves … [Read more...]