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Series Launch: Becoming “Professional Heidi” {VLOG}

For those of you who may not have been reading the last few months, I've started to work full time. It's been a journey to this point and continues on as I learn and grow. This economy has been hard and I need to figure out where to spend my hard earned money. A lot of moms have had to go back to work and as I go on this journey I want to share what I learn with you. My goals for this series … [Read more...]

A Call to Warrior Women {Fight For Your Marriage}


Hey friends, since we have posted on relationships, marriage, divorce, single living, loving a new life etc this week I thought I would share about my life. Now Sarea just posted recently about being a single mom and re-entering the rather wild world of dating again in "Single and Loving it?", Sherry just shared an amazing post about life as a single gal in "13 Dresses and Counting", being content … [Read more...]

Working Full-Time & Exercising {VLOG}

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On the road to 27 dresses… is this real life?

gracie and jacob's wedding 5

  This was May of 2011 and it was one the most beautiful weddings that I have ever been in, in every aspect of the word.  It was in a beautiful location, there were great friends involved, Jacob and Gracie's  journey to this point had been one of great beauty, and still is.   I loved being a part of this and I have loved with all of my heart being a part of every wedding that I have … [Read more...]