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The Red Ryder {A Daisy Story}


If you knew at all what my title was, you must already be acquainted with Daisy Outdoor Products and their most well known BB gun. Last Friday I had the exciting opportunity to go behind the scenes and take a tour of a local company that has been in business since the 1800's! I am a sucker for history and loved hearing their story as well as seeing them in action hand-making their most beloved … [Read more...]

Jenna, Me and the Donkey….


So as Sarea has talked about county living and the interesting parts of it all I began to realize more and more that I too am now living in the country and my internal response was..                                                                                                                                Wait!... I live … [Read more...]

10 Years {of marriage}

Our kids have no chance of being normal...

The pressure has been mounting as last month ticked on by and all my co-bloggers shared poignant stories about the relationship aspects in their lives. Sherry wrote about always being the bridesmaid, Katy wrote on the young married life without kids, Sarea shared her life, post divorce with 3 kids and now I'm here representing the married for a decade with two kids crowd. I think that sharing … [Read more...]

Becoming “Professional Heidi” Lesson 1 {VLOG}

This is the first lesson in my becoming a professional ... me that I am passing along to you, my dear readers. If you have any input or tips, please comment and share them! These were my goals as outlined in my previous post- the Series Launch. -affordable fashion- what are good investment pieces and what isn’t necessary as well as how to fix hair quickly in a way that looks good! -food … [Read more...]