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Wordless Wednesday: Foodie Edition


I have been on vacation the last week and could post several mouthwatering pics- today is one my sister and I created at home. Sorry in advance for all the drool that will be on your computer...  ohhh and to answer the obvious next question: There was an open bottle of wine nearby. :) … [Read more...]

Sweet Dreams…Thanks To Vintage Trouble


So, I am curious, did you watch Vintage Trouble on Jay Leno's show  tonight last night?  I couldn't wait to let you know my thoughts! First, I don't have tv...I mean, I HAVE a tv, but it only plays Netflix and DVD's.  So, because I am already a dedicated fan (yeah, it only took a few days), I drove up the hill to my parents house to watch the show.  My mom was very sweet and had the tv turned … [Read more...]

They still make REAL music!

music notes

I love music...a lot. Music has really defined some great (and not so great) moments in my life.  I hear a song and it takes me somewhere...Sometimes it takes me back and sometimes it allows me to look forward.  Really great music just lets you BE. I am an 80's girl, but I take pride in the fact that I listen to anything, provided that I can understand or at least be able to read the … [Read more...]

Brain power… where oh where have you gone?


My last post was all about my return from lingering in the dark ages for a few weeks with out any internet access and the great return I would have in my writing journey following the grand internet restoration.  Well... that return has proven it's self to be an epic fail. I have been racking my brain for weeks about things to write and the truth is that I just have nothing... I mean nothing. … [Read more...]