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Country Living vs. City Living

text messages

  Normally I wouldn't be able to post anything in regards to "City Living", but my brother and dear SIL gave me the opportunity to live in the city,  at their place of residence, in a house, on a paved street, in a neighborhood for a WEEK while they traveled to Colorado.  They also left me in charge of my two adorable nephews, Bear and Bug...(Check out my 'Life With Nephews' post … [Read more...]

the ::real:: life


Love. As I sit across the room from Ben, the silence hangs in the air heavy like a cloud. I think of the fact I am posting a Real Love series on my blog and how at this moment I want to hit him and I hate the hypocrisy I feel. He said something that cut to my core and I hated him for it, I hated the truth in what he said to me. The boys are running around in circles, laughing, singing and … [Read more...]

Valentine’s Day {the fun and the beauty}

Jasmine (http://thebrokins.com/) brought me a surprise gift by and made me laugh! Friends like this are a rare beauty and I appreciate her so much!

Some years are romantic, some are relaxing. This year was right for us. We ate lunch at Chick-fil-a as a family, made valentine's for our Japanese exchange student and I made and decorated cupcakes for everyone. It was just... right. I hope yours was magical and just right for you as well. … [Read more...]

Dress for the Day


Dear Abby Leigh always encourages me to... "dress for the day you want to have not the one that is trying to have you".  I chased boys through a fine art museum today and thought I was going to be asked to leave. We survived and a blog post will be coming soon about our adventures on trying to culture our boys. But, I dressed for the day I WANTED TO HAVE so even at my most stressed, I felt … [Read more...]