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Real Love Series: Sarea’s Story, Part 1


If you haven’t read the Introduction to this series, I recommend that you do. We are sharing Real Love stories. Stories that have hurt, pain but maturity and ultimately, JOY. In a culture that is so fast paced, self-focused and all about the falling in love part of our story with no concept of afterwards, we here at the Busy Nothings are striving to sit back and share from our own experiences … [Read more...]

Bear vs. Blankie Part Deux


The highly anticipated (I may be embellishing that just a tad) Part Two of Bear vs. Blankie... Okay, where was I??? You've met all of the players of this game in Part One, if not, go back and read that so you can get caught up! I've been harassing my sister for a lot longer than she has been harassing me, but that is ONLY due to the fact that she takes Blankie EVERYWHERE, and I only bring … [Read more...]

Happy Friday! {VLOG}

Ketchup on a tot. Unrelated but adorable.

Good afternoon, all! Below is my vlog post for this lovely Friday. Also, above is a picture of a tater tot Jacob gave me yesterday. It's unrelated to anything but I thought it was adorable. Hope all you lovelies have a ball this weekend! G.   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_n3cqGNa0tc … [Read more...]

Wordless Wednesday: Me & a *Lion Cub*

My Instagram followers have already seen this but this is a picture of me and a *LION CUB* at the Gentry Animal Safari. This was truly a special experience for me and my family! … [Read more...]