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Real Love Series: Sarea’s Story, Part 3

Me and Dad '12

If you haven’t read the Introduction to this series, I recommend that you do. We are sharing Real Love stories. Stories that have hurt, pain but maturity and ultimately, JOY. In a culture that is so fast paced, self-focused and all about the falling in love part of our story with no concept of afterwards, we here at the Busy Nothings are striving to sit back and share from our own experiences … [Read more...]

Bear & Bug {Easter Edition}

I know this isn't what Easter is about, I could write for days about what it means to me but on this very hurried and rushed morning, I'll leave you with a few images that make me smile. God created humor, didn't he? :)   … [Read more...]

Grace On A Very Good Friday.

Courtesy of Powerline Photography

Hello, Readers! Happy Good Friday to you. I am writing to you today to introduce you to my mother, Rhonda. She is the most spectacular woman I have ever had the pleasure of knowing, and I am still amazed that I get to call her 'Mom.' She came to me a few weeks ago having written down her story for the first time - that I've known of - in my life. I thought that her writing would make a befitting … [Read more...]

Learning to Carpe the Diem {Guest Post}


Today I have to confess I am a bit proud. Not of anything I've done or said, just because I'm proud of our guest poster today in an almost maternal way. I've known and loved Claire Bailey since she was just a dorky pre-teen with braces. :) To see her evolve into such an amazing  20-year-old woman who is beautiful inside and out is just a privilege. I'm totally saying this to embarrass her … [Read more...]