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Living Locally: Wit & Whimsy {Fayetteville}


Photo Credit to Rebecca Pilotte Photography  As part of our Living Locally series I've started this spring, I decided to poll my friends on Facebook and when I'd see people I'd ask them all sorts of shopping questions, specifically,  what their favorite local places to shop were and why. Most people got excited about 1 or 2 stores and had a quick  pitch of why they liked each place. After … [Read more...]

Wordless Wednesday: Gus & Lola


I'm in Texas this week visiting my mom's side of the family. A file was pulled out full of photos and stories and I fell in love with this one. I've poured over papers, snippets of information and names of people I'd never heard. I found out that our family has a coat of arms- "Be Faithful" is our motto. Above is my Great-Grandfather and Great-Grandmother, Gus and Lola. He was Scottish and she … [Read more...]

Beauty Beyond Beauty


If you have not read the introduction to this months theme I would encourage you to do so.  The intro was written by Heidi and it is such an amazing post and a beautiful story to be heard.  I work for Camp Barnabas specifically as the director of Barnabas Prep. Barnabas Prep is a live-in teaching program for young adults with special needs, and with this there is a lot of work everyday.  Class … [Read more...]

Real Love Series: Alicia’s Story Part 1

Real Love Series

If you haven’t read the Introduction to this series, I recommend that you do. We are sharing Real Love stories. Stories that have hurt, pain but maturity and ultimately, JOY. In a culture that is so fast paced, self-focused and all about the falling in love part of our story with no concept of afterwards, we here at the Busy Nothings are striving to sit back and share from our own experiences … [Read more...]