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Do You Have A Date For Prom Yet?


The title of this post was a text I recently sent to one of my friends who is a senior in college and to remind you that I am neither in high school or college anymore so this on every account was a strange text to send. In the last post I wrote I shared that I would be writing about another event that we recently attended... Well... Here it is. I am going to tell you a story about the best … [Read more...]

Razorfest…WOO PIG SOOIE!

Champions for Kids

My kids and I have attended Razorfest in the past...and by Razorfest, I mean we showed up in time for the Red vs. White football game and avoided the craziness of the pre game festivities.  With that being said, this year we did something different!  We were invited to participate in the 1k Fun Walk in honor of our favorite charity,  the Williams Syndrome Association!  We were some of the … [Read more...]

Wordless Wednesday

Miracle League

Bear's first day of Miracle League baseball started Saturday! I am so thankful for those amazing people who give up their Saturday to serve and let these children experience something normal in their lives. Perhaps Bear could play on a "normal" team- but I know that his enjoyment would not be nearly as great. :) In this photo he just hit the ball and wasn't sure what to do. You can see 4 people … [Read more...]

Living Locally: The Grey Dog {Fayetteville}


Photo credit to Rebecca Pilotte PhotographyAs part of my “Living Local” series I’ve started this spring, I decided to poll my friends on Facebook and  ask others in person, what their favorite local places to shop were. Most people got excited about 1 or 2 stores and had a quick sales pitch of why they liked that place. After talking to a few hundred people who live in this area, I felt … [Read more...]