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Happy 5th!


I know, a day late on the 4th. But today is my mother-in-law's birthday so the party continues here! We have been in Branson all week with Ben's side of the family. It's kind of like a mini-family reunion with his sisters and nieces and nephews. My boys are loving it! I am blessed to have family. I am blessed to have THIS family. I am blessed. ... and as any good reunion is, there are no … [Read more...]

Garage Sale-ing Tips {Tips 2-6}

Watch the Intro and Tip #1 Tip #2: The art of the Slow Drive By Tip #3: Pack Mentality- the power of taking a friend with you Tip #4: Know someone with a Truck Tip #5: Take NO prisoners- this is a sport! Tip #6: Wardrobe- what you should wear. … [Read more...]

Then, Death Again.


So much of my story is a life after death. Here I am again... the phone rang. Just, wow. The death of a dream sometimes feels like such a real death. Something snatched away before it bloomed. The plans, the thoughts, the decisions and everything made leading up to something that was, for whatever reason, simply not meant to be. I'm left kneeling, palms up, again asking … [Read more...]

Garage Sale-ing Tips {Intro & 1st Tip}

Due to "popular demand" I decided to share all of my tips and tricks to garage sale-ing successfully. This is the first video in a short series. Enjoy: Tip #1: it's "Garage Sale-ing" not "Garage Sailing". ...more videos to come... stay tuned for the next few tips this week! … [Read more...]