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Chapter 2 {and FAQ’s!}


“And they lived happily ever after.” Growing up I was left wanting so much more after watching Disney moves. I  burned with curiosity and wanted to know “and then what happened?”. Go ahead, ask Ben. I ruin every good movie with question after question wanting to know intent, what their motives were, why they did what they did and his favorite question-- what happened next? I’m … [Read more...]

Sifting and Shifting


Hey there I am SherryK.    I post on occasion here at thebusynothings.  However, to keep from any kind of romanticized idea that I only post on occasion because I might be ,  "the misunderstood, yet, extremely gifted writer that only can put out work when deeply moved and  inspired", I am going to have to be honest.  I actually seem to post when I desperately need to process something … [Read more...]

A Big Announcement…


To anyone who knows us, this isn't actually that surprising of an announcement at all but I suppose it might seem a bit sudden to others. We are moving to Colorado. SOON. {FOR REALSIES} Well, I say that it might seem sudden to some of you but to be honest I'm still in some shock myself over the complete fluidness since this crazy adventure began August 1st.  It's as if every step was … [Read more...]

this I know


  I wrote this a few days ago on my birthday, thinking through the last year and last few weeks. I thought I knew it all when I was in my early and mid twenties but when life got real, I realized how untested I was in my faith. "Life isn't fair" is such an obvious statement in concept but when life event after life event seems to end with failure or pain it's hard not to pout and feel … [Read more...]