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of which I hate Bee Line Tattoo (and generally speaking, all tattoo parlors, but specifically Bee Line)

AAARG! First of all, although I appreciate the fact that no one under the age of 18 can come inside due to the liberal usage of the female form in the nude displayed everywhere, trying to "run in" to get a new nose ring is very much compromised by the fact I have a 1 1/2 year old. So I have to wait. and wait. And I got my chance today. Let me back up a little and say that getting my nose pierced … [Read more...]

Before/After (Pic!)

It's a bit easier to see the before and after in this picture that my mom asked me to create to send to all her friends! He is still doing great and progressing a lot. He just woke up from a nap (he has uncanny timing for when I'm blogging!) so I have to run!(blue before, yellow after) … [Read more...]

Post Surgery, Some Birthday and Lion Walkers Finally Being Used (Pics!)

Facebook Friends Beware, you've seen all of these already! … [Read more...]

on Obama vs. McCain

This blog is a copied chat I had with a family member this morning on the subject of the Presidential race. I feel like Christians in general feel like you have to be Republican and I disagree with that adamantly. Although most of my views expressed follow more conservative slants, I am pretty much an Independent and want to choose the right leader based on the person and issues involved, not the … [Read more...]