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{Non} Christmas Card Photos


You know you have 'em too. ;) Sometimes it's the outtakes that show the life. the reality. the struggle. the joy. the fun. the humor of it all. I have lots of family pictures that I'm proud of from this day. Ones that send my Christmas Card dreams into overdrive, clicking through template after template trying to find one that makes us look good, normal and happy. And I felt so compelled to … [Read more...]

Snow Day!


One of my favorite things about living here in Northwest Arkansas is the way everything shuts down when it snows. Even better if there is sleet or ice before the snow begins! I love the run on the bread and milk at the store. I love the hope and anticipation of winter weather. I love it even more when the weather predictions come true. I love being trapped at home. (… I mean, in … [Read more...]

Words More Than People


I haven't written much in the last month or so but I am stepping back in to tell you why I haven't been writing, through writing, (kind of a silly process... I'm super aware =-)). It hasn't been that I don't have stories that could be shared it is simply that there is something new happening in my life and I have had to step back in order to understand it all. The Lord has been taking me on … [Read more...]

#GivingTuesday: The Cobblestone Project


Today, I just want to challenge each of you to do what you can where you are. Today is #GivingTuesday, a day where we talk about how we can give back. Some of you may remember from last summer my visit out to the The Farm in Fayetteville, AR. I took my then almost 3-year-old with me and we walked rows of growing vegetables, watched free range chickens squabbling and pecking and got to see in a … [Read more...]