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Our "Press Release" so to speak

Since I've already blogged a little about all the things that are going on with Summit- by "little" I mean verbally vomited up everything that I am feeling regarding this- I feel it only fair to give you a sense of closure regarding this. Well, somewhat of a closure, more of a sense of beginning. We have a confirmed diagnosis, the lab called yesterday to tell me. Instead of 2-3 weeks, they had it … [Read more...]

my first VIDEO web blog! (sadly, not for me!)

Well, I just completed my first video web blog thingie! I did it for a company that is trying to create an online community of moms that share things about shopping or something like that. They wanted an average young mom (which I loosely fall into that category being as strange as I am) and so I first answered questions they had, then I held Summit and pretended to have just gone shopping and … [Read more...]

I am a flem-ie mess, but I just don’t care

I don't know how to spell "flem" but I gots it. (flem that is) and I don't care, I want a bowl of ice cream tonight. Actually, a scoop. I'm so full of discipline these days. I don't care what the scale says tonight even though tomorrow I'll be po'd at myself. it tastes good. Quality ice cream is delish. and comforting. a comfort FOOD at last! as I'm hacking what sounds like a furr ball up tonight … [Read more...]

and then there was light, out of the darkness

I started writing a blog in my head last night, I felt hopeless and frustrated with everything and everyone. I wished somehow that I may impart some great wisdom about going through trials. Perhaps that is just pride on my part. I want people to look at me and think "wow, she's got it together!", even though I totally don't. I was praying, hoping for a clean answer or just that he'd take away the … [Read more...]