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Overcoming the Perfect Childhood

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I'm starting something new here. It's been on my heart to write a blog series about this for awhile- actually, it's been on Ben and my heart to write about our own experiences of being raised in  really great and healthy homes and how we've had to overcome it. I know…  right? overcoming... a blessing?! an advantage?! what we all wish we had?! ...overcoming what we all strive to be for our … [Read more...]

Life With Boys {A Jennifer Flowers Shoot}


A few of my favorites. :) 2013 This is who we are right now and I love pictures that perfectly capture that brief moment. … [Read more...]

Hot Chocolate Pancakes

hot chocolate pancakes

I love to gather my family and my friends around the table and cook for them. I genuinely enjoy to take the care and time to craft something delicious to serve them! The love of cooking wasn't something I grew up having, it was only after I had children with allergies that I began the process to discover not only how I could get them to eat healthier and within the confines of their food … [Read more...]

{The Best} Potato Bacon Soup AND {Superb} Supreme Pizza Soup


Today is s twofer. Toofer? Whatever. Two for One. Being snowed in has made me a bit crazy… Don't tell anyone… this is a secret… but I find that when I get overwhelmed with the boys being… well, boys- I escape into the kitchen with my sanity and imagination and end up with about 10 extra pounds in the last 4 days delicious things I get to serve to my excited family. So, it … [Read more...]