I think Ben and I have joined a gym finally. It's dark, damp and depressing but in our price range and thus gold. more on this to follow... … [Read more...]
what I’m listening to today!
Heypenny!Due to several e-mails I received about the song used for my Snickerdoodle and Summit video I decided to just write a blog about it. Heypenny's (click here to hear their album) front man, Ben Elkins is a Fayetteville guy who lead worship at Student Mobilization my freshman year. My Ben knew him from Kaleo and they had been friends through StuMo and Josh Ayres. Anyway, I like them and have … [Read more...]
take a deep breath
a nice, warm day in January is like taking a full breath after being underwater for awhile. Or stretching out in bed when there is nothing hurrying you out of its' cozy warmness. I actually prefer the cold, it's so clean somehow and invigorating, but today's warmness was addicting, I had to be there, in it. I had to experience it. After I dropped Summit off at KDO this morning, I came home and … [Read more...]
for kicks and giggles (Video!)
Just another day at my house. Thanks Heypenny! … [Read more...]