Someone said something to me that made total sense today. Not that that doesn't happen frequently, I'm blown away by the depth of my friends and people that I meet, but today someone said something that kind of rocked my world. She said, "God has called you to suffer right now," and I was wasn't impressed with that. Yeah. Just look at my life! then she continued, "but you are fighting it, which is … [Read more...]
update on: Just doing my civic responsibility officier
I buttoned my green sweater, fixed my hair in a messy bun with a headband, slipped on my stylish flats and went to court with an air of irritation at my important time thus being so rudely interrupted. I was the Nelson 10 minutes early, (the paper said if I failed to appear that a warrant would be issued so I had to be careful,) and waited with a pained look in the courtroom. I patiently waited to … [Read more...]
it’s raining, it’s pouring
My computer isn't working. I have wanted to post pictures of my loverly trip to Texas among others but Ben is in the process of getting new hard drives and programs among screws and plugs I'm assuming. It's all beyond me, I just know this isn't working well for me... and I totally got my upper braces today. It's official. I'm a huge dork. eeeeeee. I don't go out a lot, but recently I did both … [Read more...]