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Pampers New Line of Environmentally Friendly Diapers

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comedy of ERrors

I am so exhausted. As many of you know, due the the plethora of electronic messaging outlets, we went to the hospital around 10:30 pm and left around 3:30 am. Summit had been unable to keep any liquids (or solids for that matter) down for over 8 hours and it was recommended to us that we took him to the ER for possible dehydration. I'm talking FOUNTAINS of vomit, it was like the Exorcist or … [Read more...]

Tornado Alley

My dreams are so vivid and real sometimes. They can occasionally feel more real to me than my living reality. I've seriously thought I was like the kids in Nightmare on Elm Street where if they die while they're sleeping, they die in real life. Or like in the Matrix. So I will probably die in my sleep which for most of you that would be like, 'well, that's peaceful!' And I reply, 'yes, except for … [Read more...]

Be Good 2 Yourself: 2 Things to AVOID in Foods

I'm sure you are asking yourself, "change?! but I'm so ingrained in my ways that I'm loathe to an alternative to what I've been doing for so many years!" Or maybe not. :) Basically, the following are ingredients in commonly bought items that are BAD for you. Stay away from them. The more research that I do into nutrition, the more certain I become that today's average American's health failing- … [Read more...]