Dear Mother,I never wanted to be a mother. I didn't like baby dolls, I played with barbies and they did important things like date and be prom queen. I grew up with you making pb&j sandwiches for us everyday and only letting us have one ding dong even though the plastic wrap held two. Somehow opening the foil wrapped treat was never as good at school. But you were amazing! You loved taking care of … [Read more...]
Under Construction
May 7, 2009 by · 4 Comments
I'm working behind the scenes here so be patient, friends, the wait will be worth it... and what do you think of my new header? I think I don't want a picture anymore, what do you think of this?? too boring? not enough color? or perhaps its perfect??*UPDATE: I am working on launching my new website, hopefully it'll be ready by 2010!! :)* … [Read more...]
Website of the day:
May 6, 2009 by · 1 Comment
TOMS ShoesTOMS Shoes was founded on a simple premise: For every pair you purchase, TOMS will give a pair of shoes to a child in need. One for One. Using the purchasing power of individuals to benefit the greater good is what we're all about. … [Read more...]