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top 10 list of why Austin is the best town ever

I haven't the time to adequately post about my trip to Austin, TX on the week eve of my big move. and since I rarely deprive you, oh my readers, of a solid posting, I feel you won't hold this little deviation against me. So, here is the top ten reasons I love Austin and what made my trip awesome. 10. no child or husband. Although at first glance, you may be thinking, "oh how mean Heidi is to talk … [Read more...]

Top 3 reasons my day sucked today

3. Lost my retainer.2. Lost my cell phone. Then found my cell phone. Next to the road. In 5 pieces.1. I'm freaking not in Austin anymore. … [Read more...]

in general, mental instability among the crumbs and boxes

Oh, my friends. It has been a busy week. I have been cleaning, packing, organizing, and pulling my hair out. I think I have put too much mental stability in my house being non-filthy and disgusting. Every time I open my eyes, they are assaulted by disorganization, chaos and dirt. My heart hammers as I try to walk to my kitchen and trip over a box, then step in some cheerios from breakfast, gooey … [Read more...]

busy week…

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