Poof! Fantabuluous Poof!So I just totally bought a Bumpit. Yes. I know, mock all you want but ever since I saw the infomercials for the Bumpit I have known that when it made it to the Walgreens infomercial shelf that I would have to buy it. And it did. Yesterday, in a fit of glorious impulsiveness, my dreams of owning a Bumpit were to come true. If I were completely honest with myself I would add … [Read more...]
it’s official.
May 29, 2009 by · 1 Comment
It's official. We're in the 'ment. (That "the Basement" for those of you who aren't familiar in the common vernacular of adults with children moving back into the basement of one of the couple's parents.)Our house is a mess. Like MESS. But the computer is hooked up and I've had internet this whole time. Something about priorities??? … [Read more...]