Those moments, the memories that come crashing down on our heads, the fire that burns and scorches our flesh... the moments that shape our souls like clay, whirling on the potters wheel. It feels like a knife in the heart at times, stealing breath and causing panic that can be difficult to mask.There is still the warmth of sunshine on my face, I still hear the buzzing of the bees and smell the … [Read more...]
and then,
I haven't posted a blog in awhile, not because I haven't written any, just because I haven't posted the ones that I have wrote. They were a little too raw. Like I have said before, there are good times and bad times and last week was emotionally challenging both with Ben being gone and a packet arriving from the genetics lab in Little Rock. It's not that I didn't know the information inside the … [Read more...]
Link to Friday's VLOG that just got published today. … [Read more...]
I used to do this segment... look at me, "segment", or whatever, I used to do a regular posting on random things/events in my life. Enjoy:-My super cool cordless keyboard and mouse must need batteries because it keeps skipping certain letters interchangeably so if there are tons of misspellings here, oh what the heck, it's not that spell check isn't working, it's that I'm sick of fixing stupid … [Read more...]