Today I was craving a bean burrito from Taco Bueno so as I went to pick up Sum from KDO, I stopped at one. Their salsa is made fresh every day and it tastes WONDERFUL on my burrito. As I was waiting in line I saw a fed-ex truck that looked exactly like the one my brother-in-law drives. I turned in my seat and was waving, and of course, this story is that the door opened and it was not him. He kept … [Read more...]
how very rich I am
side note: When did writing on my blog become so hard?? I'm finally got my hearts desire.. (a dotcom) and here I am complaining about writing on it. I wonder if you can have a side note at the beginning. It doesn't seem right. I don't think that is proper grammar etiquette, but when have I ever impressed you with my grasp of the English language?? I write how I talk... slightly ignorant, but … [Read more...]
I just drank a bottle of Welch’s Sparkling Grape Juice
I'm sugared up, ya'll, so much so that I just used the word, "ya'll" which, I never use either in my speech or writing being as I'm from Arkansas so the constant judgment is such against me that I try not to give fodder to fuel... In part, my lack of desire to write or pretty much do anything lately has been a pride episode. I would like to think that I'm past that or above it - or just no … [Read more...]
a year ago
I found out that my son had a rare genetic disorder and my world was rocked. Yesterday I woke up with a heavy feeling in my heart and realized that was why. Today I am feeling much better, but still, that lingering sadness creeps its way in. I am usually an upbeat person- this blog is my way to vent out frustrations and emotions- but lately I've felt void of feeling... almost anything. I can't … [Read more...]