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the eve

Internet AND a computer that is connected to it. Brilliant! I'm in heaven, things are working out slowly but surely, I feel that my head is finally starting to clear after all the stress of the last few weeks. I'm sleeping better in my huge bedroom so I'm not in a half-state of awake during the day. Tomorrow is my ultrasound and I feel nothing but irritation that they made the appointment … [Read more...]

Needing Internet…

I'm in the new house- boxes in various states of unpacked, kitchen in disorder, rooms painted but not cut in... I'm typing on my iPhone, which I have to say in no easy feat. I want to write more, but it's hard to share my heart pecking away on the tiny keyboard. :) Thanks for your thoughts and prayers- the ultrasound is this week, I'm stressed and trying to trust God. I hope my computer … [Read more...]


sum snow

First of all, I totally need to update this more often. I feel like I have nothing to say so I just... say... nothing... and- for anyone who thinks I'm mature or handling things well, (there may be none of you if you read my insane ranting on here on a regular basis!) I'm not. I'm stressed out a lot, even if I think I'm not stressed, my hunched up shoulders tell me otherwise. I am snappy … [Read more...]


The winter landscape is beautiful in it's bareness and bleakness. I love the yellow of the grass, the blue of the mountains and nakedness of the trees. It's the kind of quiet that makes your head ring and the wind sound like chimes on the bare branches. There is a richness there that makes my heart ache. Some feelings can't be put into words, they are too much or too deep. I like it when that … [Read more...]