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Tea Snobbery


Tea drinkers are a bit of a snobby bunch. I know this because I recently have become one. A tea drinker, that is, not a snob. Though, perhaps actually now that I think about it I may be sort-of a snob. But not really... it's like coffee snobs. If you say you like coffee they appraise you physically, arch an eyebrow and ask "what kind of coffee maker do you have?" because to them that tells them … [Read more...]

Monday Happies


If you don't know me, I'm NOT a morning person. I'm the person that cheery, morning people fear. I've been compared to a bear... and worse! Also- I hate Mondays. I don't jump up out of bed on normal days and Mondays always seem to be especially horrible. Ben quotes Office Space to me way too often, "Does someone have a case of the MONdays?" and I want to hit him. On a more positive and less … [Read more...]

tummy tuck musings

I heard the other day that a friend of mine lost a friend over a blog post. Her post wasn't about joining an occult and sacrificing kittens or some such horrendousness, it was about how she has developed and changed in a positive way over the last year. Really. If me becoming a BETTER PERSON offends you than why are we even friends to begin with??? I think most of my friends these days are super … [Read more...]

Conversations with Bear

Hearing crying minutes after my good sleeper Bear was put to bed, I was surprised and went to check on him. I asked him what was wrong and he, still crying, said, "I want DOG!". Perplexed, I asked him,"You are crying in her because you want ... a dog?" "YES!" he wailed. Trying to calm him down I asked, "What kind of puppy dog do you want Bear?" "A Beech!" I fell over snorting in … [Read more...]