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deleted tweets & status updates

Twitter and Facebook help me work through so much without actually doing anything other than silently witness my excessive use of the back space key as I work through my days. OH yes, you just *thought* I posted a lot... you have no idea what I'm holding back... until now... Here's a selection of things that weren't worthy, too long or were just too insane to post: -Meatloaf made! (Yeah, it's … [Read more...]

Before/After: Distressed Dresser and End Table

side table after

Since it's in "about me", I feel the need to do a post in the areas of art, decoration or crafts. I hate the word 'craft'. I feel like I'm about to put a spell on someone or something to do with witchery. 'Arts and crafts' sounds like pre-school  and artsy-craftsy just seems to cutsie for me. Off my soap-box now, I just don't know how to describe what I'm doing. A lot of times I'll be spray … [Read more...]

Monday Happies

boys bath

Last week I decided to start up my Monday Happies series- here is the second installment. I had high hopes to do Mr. Linky today- but please comment and give me a link back to your happy blog post anyways! I need some Monday happies! If my posts seem a tad snarky or sarcastic, I was out of town last week and I'm exhausted but know that I mean every word I say in a good way too! HAH! I just threw … [Read more...]

My first sewing (mis)adventures.

Sometimes my posts just write themselves. Today, I decided to embark upon my first sewing project ever. I've done little bits of projects before but while under close supervision so this is a huge step for me. The day I cut my own fabric.  With my dull scissors that I usually cut up chicken with. It was hard, but I did it. (note to self: add scissors to the shopping list) I got all my fabric cut … [Read more...]