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Fading Scars

I've really debated on posting this. Sometimes I feel like I over share, but whatever, that's why I created this blog to begin with! :) A Sam's Club bag of Ghirardelli double chocolate bittersweet chips is an arm's length away from me. Some weeks are defined in the good, the places visited and the friends, then other weeks are defined by the poundage of chocolate ate. I've noticed that if I get … [Read more...]

A Day of Gluten-Free Foods

Veggie Straws

I wouldn't consider myself a Foodie per se (I didn't know what "muddling" was until the other day, Thanks NWA Foodie...) or that my blog is a Food blog even though I post Gluten-Free recipes fairly frequently. I guess what I'm saying here is because of my general lack of knowledge in culinary arts, I don't feel like I'm qualified to have a Food Blog.  I don't know the names of half of the … [Read more...]

Monday Happies

My awesome sisters-in-law

  -The fact Arkansas Women Bloggers posted my article on being a young mom has to be my HAPPY OF THE MONTH!!! Read below or click HERE to read it! I submitted it over a month ago and figured it was too silly for them- but then they decided to post it! It is affirming and makes me feel more like a "real" blogger. My self doubt tries to strangle me some times but it's safely gone... for … [Read more...]

You Might Be A Young Mom If…

At the beginning of last month I attended a conference locally for Arkansas Women Bloggers. I had a blast! The women were encouraging and helpful and I was so surprised how approachable they were. They really helped me out getting re-focused and pumped up about writing again. It's SO NICE to be able to meet people who have the same interests as you do and want to share with you not because they … [Read more...]