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Dining Room Makeover: AFTER


Quite honestly this is probably the most excited I've ever been about a post. I do a lot of before/afters but this really takes the cake. It's by far my most ambitious project I've undertaken and I've stretched myself  as a person... and also stretched Ben. :) To be fair, I warned him before we got into this that he'd have to be involved. I'm a team player and luckily we work well on projects … [Read more...]

Personal Ponies: Local News (with BEAR & BUG!)

http://youtu.be/nxhjN3r1Elk I'll be posting more about this and the amazing non-profit organization that Personal Ponies is soon- I just wanted to get this video out for family and friends wanting to see this! :) … [Read more...]


I caved in. Why not? If you haven't heard (don't feel bad, I only heard about it today too) there is this thing going around the internet called the "Accent Vlog". Basically it's a bunch of words and questions that really define where you are from regionally. It's fun. I've never linked up to other blogs before on a topic so I'm hoping to get some feedback and just have fun with this. I'm … [Read more...]

Dining Room Makeover: Getting Started


As I've said before, I love Before/Afters. They make my heart pound with accomplishment and I can't help but smile. Getting there may drive me insane, but it's ALWAYS worth it afterwords. Nothing feels better than fighting your way through something and be able to see a tangible outcome- like for me- a beautiful finished Dining Room, done the way I dreamed. To get the supplies for my room … [Read more...]