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DIY Funky Coffee Bag Chair

Coffee Bag chair

SO, as most of you may know, I really got into garage sale-ing this summer. Towards the end of August I got a great bargain... that I had to convince Ben to get... 2 chairs from a dining room set, rickety, stained, falling apart and smelling faintly of smoke- but for $1! I've had this project planned for awhile and finally found the time to do it! I've given a lot of advice in the past for … [Read more...]

DIY “Framed” Christmas Ornaments (by Sears)


Having rambunctious 4 and 1 1/2 year old boys makes any decor a *fun little challenge*. Pretty much anything I care about needs to be either plastic or above 4 feet. Although frustrating, I realize that this is a very short time in my life and adjusting to new things is an adventure if I let it be. SO, with Pinterest at my side, I dive into the world of plastic and high up decoration into the … [Read more...]

amazing simplicity


15 minutes. "ONE, TWO, THREE... GO!" and he makes the sound of a gun going off as he runs across the house, thinking he's  as fast as the bullet. "LOOK MOM!" Everything is loud and passionate, Bear does everything in a big way, wanting to be noticed. Bug just watches him, copying every move. "MOMMY MOMMY MOMMY!" and he jumps off the couch while Bug face plants in the same place seconds … [Read more...]

Quarter-Life Crisis


"It might be a quarter life crisis, or just the stirring in my soul" -John Mayer, Why Georgia There is something sadly, youthfully tragic about growing up. It's when the shine is off the world for the first time, a growing up and a separation, eyes opening wider and seeing things more sharply. It's not that all is hopeless or gone, things are simply different and relating to the usual people  … [Read more...]