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A Fine Dime: Belting Baggy Dresses


I am a collector of other people's hand-me-downs, thrift store scraps and garage sale discards. This dress was featured in my original post at NWA Motherloade but I never really said where I got the stuff so I decided to revisit this picture. I love grey!  This dress was off a rack at a Goodwill in Boulder, CO. I think that I've said this before, but anytime you travel, visit the local … [Read more...]

To Love Myself: Shame… (and ROACHES)


I've known for awhile that I have let shame be too big of a part of my life. Most of it is unaware, deep rooted in my subconscious that softly dictates what I think of myself and the filter in which I see life... and then there is the obvious stuff. Like roaches in my home. I'll get back to that in a minute. Most of my series "To Love Myself" has been a deeper, introspective look into my life … [Read more...]

Wordless Wednesday: New Years Eve 2012

New Years Eve

                              … [Read more...]

My C25K Adventures


I decided to start to write more about my Couch to 5K training... simply to encourage (amuse?) you! OK, aaand also for the accountability that comes with talking about it. Because, you know,  thousands, hundreds, dozens 5 of you who read this blog may ask me how my training is going and I don't want to have to say, "ahhhhhhhh" and have to come up with a great excuse. This is part of my New Year, … [Read more...]