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Respect for Authority vs. Being an Adult

The other day I had a doctor gently imply that I did gluten free as a way for me to control some aspect of Bear's life. I've always been very respectful of adults in positions of authority, especially highly educated ones. I am NOT a doctor and their opinion always has a certain heavy weight with it and I left the appointment confused and conflicted. I felt that way because I don't want to be … [Read more...]

skating {making memories}


Yeah, nothing makes you feel quite as old as revisiting childhood past-times you were great at and seeing how out of shape and uncoordinated you have become.  OK, but seriously, we had a BLAST! This was one of the first sucessful family ventures we have ever had. The screaming didn't cause us to leave- it did quickly erupt in the car afterwords- BUT I still call this night a WIN. My … [Read more...]

Wordless Wednesday: Rainy Days


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The Monster is actually a Mouse

Bear was chasing Bug around the large, white room, yelling at him "MINE! MINE! MINE!" to give him a slinky. Bug, however, is quicker than Bear, and darted behind a few occupied chairs peering around a shoulder at his brother. They weaved in and out of chairs, tripping over feet and file folders. "Beeee aaaaaar," I am using my sing-song voice, hoping he can't hear the edge of nervous stress. … [Read more...]