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To Love Myself: Papers


I've been lacking focus lately when writing. Between health, exercise and child issues I'm more of a rushing torrent than a steady stream and I'm beginning to feel the effects of it.  or is it "affects"? I'm a writer without a basic grasp of the language, but let's just add that to the list of things I'm forgiving myself for this today. :) Today is about bad news. Not horrible news, or … [Read more...]

One Day Without Shoes #withoutshoes


Today, in support of One Day Without Shoes, I'm going barefoot. I'm a clean freak, I'm a tenderfoot and I hate having dirty feet. Which is why I am doing this. By habit I had already put my shoes on this morning and walked out the door to take Bear to school and realized when I got home that this is something many people don't have the luxury of. It's not just that this is the most … [Read more...]

The Hunt

Diptic (1)

This was the first year Bear didn't cry as he ran into the free for all egg hunt at his school . Bug was at his side, not really getting the concept of gathering eggs,  but adding a stability for a few minutes that Bear seemed to need. Quickly he was looking for the eggs and Bug was playing in the rocks. and it was good. … [Read more...]

Floating, Soaring, Flying

So much of my life lately is in the unspoken. It's about being in the moment; aware, present and observing. Clearly though, with two young boys this isn't an ever present reality, it's more about seeing and relishing life around me instead of thinking of the next thing to do. Today I sat on the ground watching my boys and it was suddenly beautiful. I wanted to try to share the feeling of … [Read more...]