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Beauty in the Mess


I'm always laughing. I'm always smiling. It's so funny really, perhaps it's the smiles and laughter of someone saying under their breath "if I wasn't laughing, I'd be crying" but for whatever reason I'm getting dozens of tiny little wrinkles around my perpetually crinkled eyes. At a doctor's appointment with the boys I was told by him, "I can always tell which families are happy ones, … [Read more...]

Wordless Wednesday: “someone wanted outside”

I work Mondays. Ben sent me a text with this picture and the caption, "someone wanted outside". Happy Wednesday! … [Read more...]

Life With {My Precious} Boys.


As the boys try to choke each other in the living room, Bug dancing out of his brothers reach with the puzzle piece he knows his older brother wants, I can't help but sigh in resignation of the day. My white flag is up, hands held high in the deepest surrender. I give up for today and I feel physically beat up. Finishing a conversation with Ben as he drove home on this epic fail of a day I said, … [Read more...]

Not There.

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Last week when Bear had surgery, I steeled myself. I just can't go to that mysterious there sometimes. There is weakness, there is statistics and there is my grief, ready as a wet woolen blanket to be thrown back on all over. When he was wheeled away on the almost comically over-sized hospital bed, I swallowed the lump back and turned away. NO. When the nurse came to say he was in surgery, … [Read more...]