
I sit here in this moment and feel it.

The back door is open and a cool breeze lazily moves inside, the birds are chirping and the boys are getting along, laughing, in this moment.

The sky is happily overcast and everything feels so green and alive. The only light where I’m sitting is coming from the muted sky, everything feels rich.

This very moment, I feel the perfection of it. The stillness, the beauty, the laughter and the joy, deep inside and I tuck it away. I walk barefoot on my clean floors, hips swaying in yoga pants and gaze out the back window.

There will be cries soon, my phone will ring and my email will trickle back in.

This moment.  I savor it. I drink it all in, greedily, because I’m in a parched land.

…and it’s already gone.


  • Chandra Gurel

    I love the beautiful picture you painted for us… I can almost feel it. Hmmm… Wish I could come and experience it with you!