Medical Newsflash!

I thought I better have some way of distinguishing “newsflashes” since I decided to start using them today.
So, the appt. scheduler at the place in Lowell where we’ll get all the testing done on his heart called today and wants us to come in tomorrow morning at 10 AM. Please pray that they find nothing! I’m fine, I’m actually at peace about all of this so thanks for your prayers- they are working! :)

  • David & Katy

    yes, I will be praying, call me tomorrow! love you guys

  • karalaney

    you all are in our prayers. i’m praying for peace that passes all understanding and wisdom for doctors. let me know if you guys need anything.

  • soldier’swife

    Prayers are always being said for you and Summit. I am here if you need or want to talk…even over the net! I have been thinking about you this week and just wanted to say thanks for everything.

  • Sarea

    Can’t wait to hear how it went!